Author: wglass
Date: Mon Jan  2 17:22:48 2006
New Revision: 365509

Updated change.xml file in maven format with all changes to date for
1.5.  (in gradual preparation for 1.5 release).  Moved changelog
for 1.4 and earlier to separate file.

      - copied, changed from r365327, 

Modified: jakarta/velocity/core/trunk/xdocs/changes.xml
--- jakarta/velocity/core/trunk/xdocs/changes.xml (original)
+++ jakarta/velocity/core/trunk/xdocs/changes.xml Mon Jan  2 17:22:48 2006
@@ -23,14 +23,322 @@
     <release version="1.5-dev" date="in Subversion">
-      <action type="fix" dev="henning" issue="VELOCITY-424" due-to="Malcom 
+      <action type="add" dev="wglass" issue="VELOCITY-425" due-to="Llewellyn 
+        Wrapped exceptions now have Cause property set on JDK 1.4.  (note that 
+        continues to run under JDK 1.3).
+      </action>
+      <action type="fix" dev="wglass" issue="VELOCITY-418" due-to="Jason 
+        When Velocity is initialized, stream was not being 
closed.  This
+               made it difficult to undeploy webapps on Windows with Velocity 
+      </action>
+      <action type="fix" dev="wglass" issue="VELOCITY-151" due-to="Kirk Wolf">
+        Upgraded to latest commons collection, fixing problem with 
+        of configuration file encoding in rare circumstances.
+      </action>
+      <action type="fix" dev="wglass" issue="VELOCITY-370" due-to="Reggie 
+        The Introspector could throw a NPE when a parameter to an overloaded 
method was null.
+      </action>
+      <action type="fix" dev="wglass" issue="VELOCITY-381" due-to="Llwellyn 
Falco and Dan Powell">
+        If toString() returned null in a silent reference then "null" was 
+      </action>
+      <action type="fix" dev="wglass" issue="VELOCITY-359" due-to="">
+        Fixed bug in which empty body for #if (e.g. <code>#if(some 
+        caused ParseException.
+      </action>
+      <action type="add" dev="wglass" issue="VELOCITY-222" due-to="">
+        Added javacc task to build.xml simplifying modification process
+        for editing syntax files.
+      </action>
+      <action type="fix" dev="wglass" issue="VELOCITY-374" due-to="">
+        Velocity Engine was throwing NPE when used without a call to
+        init().  Now gives a more meaningful exception message.
+      </action>
+      <action type="update" dev="wglass" issue="VELOCITY-404" 
due-to="Llewellyn Falco">
+        Fixed problem with Uberspect Info class being created incorrectly.
+        Added template name to Info allowing better error reporting.
+      </action>
+      <action type="update" dev="wglass" issue="" due-to="">
+        Numerous improvements to the documentation.  Reorganized table of
+        contents, moved community content to the Wiki, added article on using
+        Velocity in web applications.
+      </action>
+      <action type="update" dev="wglass" issue="VELOCITY-350" due-to="">
+        When testing objects in VTL for equality, if both objects are a 
number, use
+        number equality.  If both objects are the same class, use the equals 
+        New behavior: If objects are different classes, compare the String
+        representation of both objects rather than logging an error.
+      </action>
+      <action type="fix" dev="wglass" issue="VELOCITY-272" due-to="">
+        Velocity would give error when last line of file was a ## comment.
+      </action>
+      <action type="update" dev="wglass" issue="VELOCITY-412" due-to="Malcolm 
+        Added method to retrieve application attributes.
+      </action>
+      <action type="update" dev="wglass" issue="VELOCITY-196" due-to="">
+        Velocity now searches in the current thread's context classloader
+        before the system classloader for all templates loaded with the
+        ClasspathResourceLoader and for all user-defined ResourceLoaders,
+        introspectors, event handlers, etc.  
+        A typical use for this is to have Velocity in the application
+        container classpath while keeping templates and plugins in the
+        webapp classpath.
+      </action>
+      <action type="update" dev="wglass" issue="" due-to="Thomas Veith">
+        #set now sets references to null when required.  For backwards
+        compatibility this must be enabled by setting the configuration key
+        <code>directive.set.null.allowed</code> to true.
+      </action>
+      <action type="add" dev="wglass" issue="" due-to="">
+        New optional event handler that escapes all references.
+        Regular expressions can be used to configure which references
+        have HTML, JavaScript, SQL, or XML escaping.
+      </action>
+      <action type="add" dev="wglass" issue="VELOCITY-154" due-to="">
+        New optional event handler implementation that forces #parse / 
#include to stay 
+        in same directory as parent template.
+      </action>
+      <action type="add" dev="wglass" issue="VELOCITY-260" due-to="">
+        New event handler to modify behavior of #parse / #include.  
+      </action>
+      <action type="update" dev="wglass" issue="VELOCITY-144" due-to="">
+        FileResourceLoader now accepts absolute path when configured to accept 
+      </action>
+      <action type="fix" dev="wglass" issue="VELOCITY-126" due-to="">
+        String containing "##" was treated as unterminated String.
+      </action>
+      <action type="update" dev="henning" issue="VELOCITY-424" due-to="Malcom 
         Throw Runtime exceptions from nodes up the chain.
-      <action type="fix" dev="henning" issue="VELOCITY-426" due-to="Malcom 
+      <action type="update" dev="henning" issue="VELOCITY-426" due-to="Malcom 
         Revert the split between org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node.Node 
         org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.Node. The parser now only uses 
         because this change broke custom directives.
+      <action type="update" dev="nbubna" issue="VELOCITY-403" due-to="">
+            Made a lot of internal logging upgrades including: Deprecated 
LogSystem interface 
+            and replaced it (and all its implementations) with a new LogChute 
interface and implementations, 
+            added getLog() to RuntimeServices (and all its friends) to improve 
on and replace its now deprecated 
+            logging methods, added a JdkLogChute as a 3rd default option for 
those using JDK 1.4+, and added a 
+            StandardOutLogChute as final resort if other LogChute inits fail. 
See JIRA issues VELOCITY-403, VELOCITY-166, 
+            VELOCITY-403,VELOCITY-166,VELOCITY-78, VELOCITY-157, VELOCITY-159, 
+        </action>
+        <action type="remove" dev="henning" issue="VELOCITY-401" due-to="">
+            Removed all J2EE build tasks.  Now automatically detects 
+            of javax.sql.Datasource (in JDK 1.4+) and builds 
+            when allowed.
+        </action>
+        <action type="add" dev="henning" issue="" due-to="">
+            ant build now downloads the required dependency jars from 
+        </action>
+        <action type="update" dev="henning" issue="VELOCITY-373" 
due-to="Malcolm Edgar">
+            Unified template name, line and column number reporting for 
+        </action>
+        <action type="remove" dev="henning" issue="" due-to="">
+            Dropped the non-functional Velocity compiler. 
+        </action>
+        <action type="update" dev="henning" issue="" due-to="">
+            Started separating out the JavaCC generated parts of the Velocity 
Parser. Not yet complete to avoid user visible changes. Scheduled to be 
completed for 2.0 
+        </action>
+        <action type="add" dev="henning" issue="" due-to="">
+            Contributed a maven build for Velocity
+        </action>
+        <action type="fix" dev="henning" issue="" due-to="">
+            Reworked the ant build to product only two jars: velocity.jar and 
+        </action>
+        <action type="remove" dev="henning" issue="" due-to="">
+            Removed the Configuration class and all methods that references 
it. This class was deprecated since Velocity 1.1 and was scheduled to be gone 
for Velocity 1.3 or 1.4. Now
+        it was finally removed in 1.5.
+        </action>
+        <action type="add" dev="wglass" issue="VELOCITY-242" due-to="Peter 
+            Added support for decimal numbers.  
+        </action>
+        <action type="fix" dev="wglass" issue="VELOCITY-284" due-to="Mike 
+            MethodInvocationException now consistently thrown 
+        (previously was hidden when in parameter to Velocimacro). 
+        </action>
+        <action type="fix" dev="wglass" issue="VELOCITY-109" due-to="">
+            Fixed problem in which foreach loop would fail to call overloaded 
+        </action>
+        <action type="fix" dev="wglass" issue="VELOCITY-86" due-to="">
+            Removed ERROR level log message "Can't find 
+        </action>
+        <action type="fix" dev="wglass" issue="VELOCITY-348" due-to="">
+            Anakia now generates consistent line endings based on platform.  
Requires upgrade to JDom 1.0.  
+        </action>
+        <action type="add" dev="wglass" issue="VELOCITY-190" due-to="Peter 
+            Anakia can now be pre-loaded with custom context values from an 
optional XML file.   
+        </action>
+        <action type="add" dev="wglass" issue="VELOCITY-43" due-to="">
+            Directives can now be delimited with curly braces, for example 
+        </action>
+        <action type="fix" dev="wglass" issue="VELOCITY-254" 
due-to="Christopher Reck">
+            Nulls now handled appropriate within #foreach.  
+        </action>
+        <action type="fix" dev="wglass" issue="VELOCITY-324" due-to="Shinobu 
+            Upgraded JavaCC to version 3.2, providing JDK 1.5 compatibility.  
+        (Older version used keyword 'enum' which is reserved in JDK 1.5). 
+        </action>
+        <action type="update" dev="wglass" issue="VELOCITY-267" due-to="Matt 
Raible ">
+            DatasourceResourceLoader now allows injection of Datasource, 
allowing it to be used in Inversion of Control (IOC) frameworks.
+        </action>
+        <action type="fix" dev="wglass" issue="VELOCITY-218" due-to="">
+            #stop now works properly.    
+        </action>
+        <action type="update" dev="wglass" issue="VELOCITY-196" 
due-to="Charles Oliver Nutter">
+            ClasspathResourceLoader now searches ContextClassLoader for 
+        </action>
+        <action type="remove" dev="dlr" issue="VELOCITY-164" due-to="">
+            Removed use of <a 
+            deprecated Category and Priority classes in favor of the 
+            and supported Logger and Level.  To update, replace necessary
+            references, and Category.getInstance() with Logger.getLogger(). 
+        </action>
+        <action type="add" dev="wglass" issue="VELOCITY-152" due-to="James 
+            New Map literal syntax.  
+        </action>
+        <action type="remove" dev="dlr" issue="" due-to="">
+            Removed the long-deprecated Log4JLogSystem.  Never fear,
+            SimpleLog4JLogSystem remains. 
+        </action>
+        <action type="update" dev="dlr" issue="" due-to="">
+            Enhanced the implementation of ResourceCacheImpl using Jakarta 
+            Collections LRUMap class.  The previous greedy implementation did 
+            set an upper bound for the cache size, meaning that cached 
+            were never relinquished (a possible memory leak).  You can 
continue to
+            use that behavior by setting the
+            <code>resource.manager.cache.size</code> for your cache to less 
+            1.         
+        </action>
+        <action type="update" dev="gmj" issue="" due-to="Daniel Rall">
+            Took dan's modified SimpleLog4jLogSystem, and renamed 
Log4JLogSystem, and
+            put back old version of SimpleLog4JLogSystem, as deprecated.  That 
+            we can move forward with an up-to-date version that uses Logger, 
+            for one release, be backwards compatile for the Category-using 
+            crowd.          
+        </action>
+        <action type="remove" dev="wglass" issue="" due-to="">
+            Deprecated class in 
+            of the various format classes in the Velocity Tools library.
+        </action>
+        <action type="remove" dev="dlr" issue="" due-to="">
+            Deprecated the org.apache.velocity.servlet.VelocityServlet class in
+            favor of
+            from the Velocity Tools library.  Servlet interaction is more a 
+            competency of the Velocity Tools package than of Velocity's
+            core. 
+        </action>
+        <action type="fix" dev="gmj" issue="VELOCITY-185" due-to="wglass">
+            Fix to BaseTestCase as suggested by Will Glass-Husain to handle 
line endings     
+        </action>
+        <action type="update" dev="" issue="" due-to="henning">
+         Parameterized cache and mod time control in TexenTask based on patch 
+         Henning. 
+        </action>
+        <action type="fix" dev="gmj" issue="VELOCITY-150" due-to="wglass">
+            Fix to DatasourceResourceLoader - stop using the old Runtime 
singleton as
+            would leak a little memory for each instance of VelocityEngine 
+            Hunted down by Will Glass-Husain. 
+        </action>
+        <action type="fix" dev="gmj" issue="VELOCITY-161" due-to="wglass">
+            SimplePool now removes elements from pool on a get(). NOTE : 
Previously, it left the
+            reference to the object in the pool.   
+        </action>
+        <action type="fix" dev="gmj" issue="VELOCITY-61" due-to="wglass">
+            Fixes problem with single line comment
+            embedded in a multi-line comment.         
+        </action>
+        <action type="fix" dev="gmj" issue="VELOCITY-221" due-to="">
+            Change for VELOCITY-221 and partial for VELOCITY-148, allowing 
newlines in
+            directives. 
+        </action>
+        <action type="update" dev="gmj" issue="VELOCITY-148" due-to="">
+            Change to finish request VELOCITY-148, allowing '+' as a string 
concat. We'll have
+            to see how the community likes it. 
+        </action>
+        <action type="fix" dev="gmj" issue="VELOCITY-239" due-to="">
+            Didn't allow formal reference notation as first arg
+            to foreach. 
+        </action>
+        <action type="update" dev="gmj" issue="" due-to="">
+            To make using w/ XML easier allow alternative logical operators 
'and', 'or',
+            'lt', 'gt', 'le', 'ge', 'eq', 'ne', 'not'.  
+        </action>
+        <action type="update" dev="gmj" issue="" due-to="">
+            Allow newlines in strings.     
+        </action>
+        <action type="fix" dev="gmj" issue="VELOCITY-148" due-to="">
+            Tiny fix to VelocityWriter to prevent a NPE if someone passes it a 
+        </action>
+        <action type="fix" dev="gmj" issue="" due-to="">
+            Anakia changes to accomodate finalization of JDOM API.  In 
+            AnakiaTask, and OutputWrapper 
+        </action>
+        <action type="update" dev="gmj" issue="" due-to="">
+            Added template, line and column info to MIEs thrown by ASTMethod 
+        </action>

Copied: jakarta/velocity/core/trunk/xdocs/changes14.xml (from r365327, 
--- jakarta/velocity/core/trunk/xdocs/docs/changes.xml (original)
+++ jakarta/velocity/core/trunk/xdocs/changes14.xml Mon Jan  2 17:22:48 2006
@@ -12,132 +12,11 @@
 <section name="Velocity Changes" href="VelocityChanges">
-   This document tracks the changes in Velocity between releases.
+   This document tracks changes to Velocity for the 1.4 release and earlier.
+   For more recent changes, please see:
+   <a 
-<subsection name="1.5-dev" href="1.5-dev">
-    This section describes changes to the main branch
-    after the 1.4 release.
-<li>Made a lot of internal logging upgrades including: Deprecated LogSystem 
interface and replaced it (and all its implementations) with a new LogChute 
interface and implementations, added getLog() to RuntimeServices (and all its 
friends) to improve on and replace its now deprecated logging methods, added a 
JdkLogChute as a 3rd default option for those using JDK 1.4+, and added a 
StandardOutLogChute as final resort if other LogChute inits fail. See JIRA 
VELOCITY-193. (ndb)</li>
-<li>ant build now downloads the required dependency jars from 
-<li>Unified template name, line and column number reporting for 
ParserErrorException (henning)</li>
-<li>Dropped the non-functional Velocity compiler. (henning)</li>
-<li>Started separating out the JavaCC generated parts of the Velocity Parser. 
Not yet complete to avoid user visible changes. Scheduled to be completed for 
2.0 (henning)</li>
-<li>Contributed a maven build for Velocity (henning) </li>
-<li>Reworked the ant build to product only two jars: velocity.jar and 
velocity-dep.jar (henning)</li>
-<li>Removed the Configuration class and all methods that references it. This 
class was deprecated since Velocity 1.1 and was scheduled to be gone for 
Velocity 1.3 or 1.4. Now
-it was finally removed in 1.5 (henning)</li>
-<li>Added support for decimal numbers.  Bug #25874. Thanks to Peter 
Romianowski for the initial implementation.  (wgh)</li>
-<li>MethodInvocationException now consistently thrown 
-(previously was hidden when in parameter to Velocimacro).  As suggested by 
Mike Rettig. Bug #30220. (wgh)</li>
-<li>Fixed problem in which foreach loop would fail to call overloaded method.  
-Bug #13637. (wgh)</li>
-<li>Removed ERROR level log message "Can't find 'VM_global_library.vm'". Bug 
#9938. (wgh)</li>
-<li>Anakia now generates consistent line endings based on platform.  Requires 
upgrade to JDom 1.0.  Bug #33296. (wgh) </li>
-<li>Anakia can now be pre-loaded with custom context values from an optional 
XML file.  Patch by Peter Ryan.  Bug #21417. (wgh)</li>
-<li>Directives can now be delimited with curly braces, for example 
#if($condition)something#{else}otherthing#{end}.  Bug #7189. (wgh) </li>
-<li>Nulls now handled appropriate within #foreach.  Patch by Christopher Reck. 
Bug #27741. (wgh)</li>
-<li>Upgraded JavaCC to version 3.2, providing JDK 1.5 compatibility.  
-(Older version used keyword 'enum' which is reserved in JDK 1.5). Thanks to 
Shinobu Kuwai 
-for researching this and providing a patch.  Bug #32416. (wgh)</li>
-<li>DatasourceResourceLoader now allows injection of Datasource, allowing it 
to be used in Inversion of Control (IOC) frameworks.
-Thanks to Matt Raible for suggestion.  Bug #28611. (wgh)</li>
-<li>#stop now works properly.  Bug #24189. (wgh) </li>
-<li>ClasspathResourceLoader now searches ContextClassLoader for template. 
Thanks to Charles Oliver Nutter for the approach.  Bug #22419. </li>
-<li>Removed use of <a href="";>Log4J's</a>
-deprecated Category and Priority classes in favor of the corresponding
-and supported Logger and Level.  To update, replace necessary
-references, and Category.getInstance() with Logger.getLogger(). (#19133) (dlr)
-<li>New Map literal syntax.  Thanks to James Taylor for implementing this.  
-Removed the long-deprecated Log4JLogSystem.  Never fear,
-SimpleLog4JLogSystem remains. (dlr)
-Enhanced the implementation of ResourceCacheImpl using Jakarta Commons
-Collections LRUMap class.  The previous greedy implementation did not
-set an upper bound for the cache size, meaning that cached resources
-were never relinquished (a possible memory leak).  You can continue to
-use that behavior by setting the
-<code>resource.manager.cache.size</code> for your cache to less than
-1. (dlr)
-Took dan's modified SimpleLog4jLogSystem, and renamed Log4JLogSystem, and
-put back old version of SimpleLog4JLogSystem, as deprecated.  That way
-we can move forward with an up-to-date version that uses Logger, and
-for one release, be backwards compatile for the Category-using log4j
-crowd.  (gmj)
-Deprecated the org.apache.velocity.servlet.VelocityServlet class in
-favor of
-from the Velocity Tools library.  Servlet interaction is more a core
-competency of the Velocity Tools package than of Velocity's
-core. (dlr)
-Fix to BaseTestCase as suggested by Will Glass-Husain to handle line endings
-    (#20992)  (gmj)
- Parameterized cache and mod time control in TexenTask based on patch from
- Henning. (gmj)
-Fix to DatasourceResourceLoader - stop using the old Runtime singleton as
-would leak a little memory for each instance of VelocityEngine created.
-Bug #17820, hunted down by Will Glass-Husain. (gmj)
-SimplePool now removes elements from pool on a get(). NOTE : Previously, it 
left the
-reference to the object in the pool.  Fix for #19042 suggested
-by Will. (gmj)
-Fix to bug #7697, suggested by Will.  Fixes problem with single line comment
-embedded in a multi-line comment. (gmj)
-    Change for bug #24338 and partial for #17803, allowing newlines in
-    directives. (gmj)
-    Change to finish request #17803, allowing '+' as a string concat. We'll 
-    to see how the community likes it. (gmj)
-    Fix for bug #25669, that didn't allow formal reference notation as first 
-    to foreach. (gmj)
-To make using w/ XML easier allow alternative logical operators 'and', 'or',
-    'lt', 'gt', 'le', 'ge', 'eq', 'ne', 'not'.  (gmj)
-Allow newlines in strings. (gmj)
-Tiny fix to VelocityWriter to prevent a NPE if someone passes it a null (gmj)  
-    Anakia changes to accomodate finalization of JDOM API.  In 
-    AnakiaTask, and OutputWrapper (gmj)
-    Added template, line and column info to MIEs thrown by ASTMethod (gmj)
 <subsection name="1.4-rc1" href="1.4-rc1">

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