Hi All,
 Can anyone let me know when will the recurse method of RenderTool throws 
exception. Means what are the scenarios for the recurse method to throw an 
 I am dynamically creating variables and assigning them values in the 
template like
#foreach($subElementName in $elementSet.keySet())
#* *##set($subElement = $elementSet.get($subElementName))
#* *##foreach( $value in $subElement.getValueList())##
#* *##set($theValue = $!value.getValue())##
#* *#$render.recurse($ctx, '\#set($$subElementName = "$theValue")')##
#* *##end##
It was working without any problem in the production environment as 
well....but now started giving problems. Now i am getting the error in the 
log as:
Method recurse threw exception for reference $render in template 
transora_cin_catalog.vm at [22,27]
 Is it a problem of null values for $subElementName and $theValue? i tried 
with null value for variable name and as well as value with a similar 
example, it didn't give this error, only got not a valid reference in the 
log for my expected variable. 
 Any suggestions will be of great help.
With Regards,

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