Hello (again),

I added your suggestion:

VelocityHtmlEmail vemail = new VelocityHtmlEmail(data);
Context ctx = /TurbineVelocity.getContext/(data); /
ctx.put/("vmail", vemail); /
ctx.put/("bestellung", oData);
/vemail.addTo/("emailaddress", "Sven Richter"); ///data.getUser/().getEmail());
/vemail.setFrom/("Recipient", "emailaddress");
/vemail.setHtmlTemplate/("portlets/html//email-confirm.vm/"); /

In that segment I put the oData-Objekt into the context, which I use to get data from the database. Now I tried to reference that with '$ctx.bestellung.id' (for example). But that didn't work (it stays '$ctx.bestellung.id'). What did I do wrong?

Thanks a lot,

Henning P. Schmiedehausen schrieb:

Sven Richter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hello Shawn,

thanks for your reply. I'm using Jetspeed 1.6, so unfortunatly I can't use that. By the way, where do you set the content-type to "text/html"?

If you are using Jetspeed 1.6, then you are using Turbine 2.x.

VelocityHtmlEmail vemail = new VelocityHtmlEmail(data);

Can you actually give us the package of the VelocityHtmlEmail that you
are using? Because in Turbine 2.x, there is a C'tor like this:


If you insist on using the C'tor which takes the RunData object, you
can get the context that is used to build the mail by using

Context ctx = TurbineVelocity.getContext(data);
But that way I can't use 'vemail.setContext(context);'. Because of that I can't access the data from the database using '$bestellung' in the template, which makes the whole thing useless to me.

Any idea?

From here, everything should be clear. You were simply looking in the
wrong place. This is not a Velocity question, it is a Turbine
question. ;-)

        Best regards

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