Hi all,

I am thinking of using Velocity engine in an e-commerce platform, where the users will be able to upload their own templates to customize the layout of their store. I've read somewhere that Velocity has a built in security flaw, where peole could do things like AnyClass.getClassLoader() and use that to load any java class and basically do anything they want. I've also read about a patch being developed to address this issue which is scheduled to be integrated into Velocity version 1.6

I'm wondering, when is that version of velocity scheduled to come out, and are there any other security related issues i should watch out for in my scenario, where basically people who upload templates are untrusted users.

Also, does velocity have a built in timeout feature, where for example if any template takes more than 5 seconds to render, I'll be able to interrupt the rendering process? This feature is also important to me, as I don't want any single user to tie up all system resources.


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