
I just noticed Shinobu's updated version of the Fred Toth's TemplateExistsTool 
for the VelocityViewServlet in Velocity Tools v.1.2 (details on wiki here: 

This updated class doesn't seem to work for me (using tools 1.2 and velocity 
1.4 ... i.e. current release versions, not dev tree)

The problem originates with the new exists(String template) method: this uses 
the resourceExists() method which exists for org.apache.velocity.app.Velocity 
(in favour of the deprecated templateExists()), but not for 
org.apache.velocityapp.VelocityEngine (which only has the templateExists() 
method ... Not deprecated). I am therefore getting a java.lang.Error because 
the resourceExists() is undefined for VelocityEngine.

Changing resourceExists() to templateExists() results in NullPointerException.

Can anyone tell me what is going on here?



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