Hi Diz,

I also think Velocity is a better choice that JSP and even JSTL. Its
much simpler to work with and more intuitive than either of these.

As the developer of the Click framework which uses Velocity
exclusively for rendering, I think Velocity has a bright future.
Another advantage of Velocity is that you can use if for other tasks,
such as rendering email bodies, XML documents and even Java code.

regards Malcolm Edgar

On 5/4/06, Townson, Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, im pretty new to java world. From different web sites Ive gained
> feeling that velocity is better choice than JSP. But. Is this project
> dead or its just one of few projects which are working, nice designed
> and dont need update every week/month. (last web site news almost 8
> months ago, last release 13 months ago)

Speaking as a developer and Velocity user at a company that makes heavy use of 

We like the stability of Velocity ... It's a templating engine: it's core 
features would not seem to require much alteration and, from an outside 
perspective, development appears focused on refinements (which is A Good 
Thing). Velocity does its job neatly, efficiently, and quickly.

As for dead? Not at all. Version 1.5 is in development and the impression I'm 
getting from this list is an increasing encouragement to use the dev code. For 
those (like us) who will be continuing to use 1.4 for some time yet (in 
production, at least), I've always found support on this list to be prompt and 

> Im asking because i would like save my time and dont
> configure and learn
> something which have no future (despite its better than others)

Personally speaking, until just over a year ago I had little experience with 
Java (I came from PHP-land and I ain't goin' back! :D ... Except for the 
occasional holiday ;D) but I had very little trouble in figuring out Velocity. 
In many ways, it's simplicity and elegance made it an excellent introduction to 
other areas of web development with Java (although it's not restricted to web 
stuff, of course).

I wouldn't worry too much about the effort required to learn and configure 
Velocity: in my experience, it's such a minimal concern that it probably 
wouldn't even be necessary to factor it in.

What you probably will want to think about is how well Velocity is supported by 
other technologies/frameworks you employ. Velocity is well integrated with 
Spring, Struts, and WebWork/Struts2. Tapestry, on the other hand, has its own 
view solution (based on jwcid attributes and OGNL statements in standard HTML 
... which I like a lot) ... But you can't plugin Velocity to it.

Vis-a-vis JSP: don't do it! Velocity is far cleaner and simpler.

You could also consider Freemarker. I haven't tried it myself, but the 
project's lead developer will tell you (very insistently, over and over again 
;D) that it's great. It has similar framework support to Velocity.


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