Sounds very slick.  Is Restlet in our Powered By Velocity wiki page?
Feel free to add it.


On 11/10/06, Jerome Louvel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all,

Restlet, a lightweight REST framework for Java, now natively supports
Velocity templates. This feature was added in our latest 1.0 beta 20

Here is a summary of the main features:
      * REST concepts have equivalent Java classes (resource,
representation, connector, etc.)
      * Suitable for both client and server Web applications
      * Automatic server-side content negotiation based on media type
and language preferences
      * Static file serving and editing with metadata association based
on file extensions
      * Support for representations like JSON, XML (DOM or SAX),
FreeMarker templates (alternative to JSP)
      * Server connectors for HTTP, HTTPS and AJP (for Apache or IIS)
      * Client connectors for HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, JDBC and FILE protocols
      * Routers support the concept of URIs as UI with advanced pattern
matching features
      * Filters support features such as authorization, browser
tunnelling and extraction of call attributes
      * Support of HTTP Basic and Amazon Web Services authentication schemes
      * Deployment as native services using Java Service Wrapper
      * Supports blocking and non-blocking NIO modes
      * Clean Restlet API as a full alternative to the Servlet API
      * Noelios Restlet Engine (NRE) is the Reference Implementation
(provided by Noelios Consulting)

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Jerome Louvel

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Forio Business Simulations

Will Glass-Husain

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