On Tue, 5 Aug 2003, Billy Biggs wrote:

>> >> Then some cameras supported by qc-usb can deliver MJPEG compressed frames
>> >> and I have used
>> >> #define VIDEO_PALETTE_MJPEG     (('q'<<8) | 2)  /* Grab video in compressed 
>> >> MJPEG format */
>> No. Looks like it's in 4:2:2 packed format (YUY2, I guess). I didn't write
>  mpeg2dec only has 4:2:0 conversion code, no 4:2:2 code, since MPEG2

You're right. Looks like it's 4:2:0 planar, not 4:2:2 packed. This is the
relevant conversion function (where yuv2rgb_func converts two scanlines):

/* Convert YUV image to RGB */
static void qc_mjpeg_yuv2rgb(struct qc_mjpeg_data *md, void *dst, u8 *py,
u8 *pu, u8 *pv,
        int width, int height, int rgb_stride, int y_stride, int uv_stride)
        height >>= 1;
        do {
                md->yuv2rgb_func(md, py, py + y_stride, pu, pv, dst, ((u8 *)dst) + 
rgb_stride, width);
                py += 2 * y_stride;
                pu += uv_stride;
                pv += uv_stride;
                dst = ((u8 *)dst) + 2 * rgb_stride;
        } while (--height);

> It sounds like you might be using the wrong conversion function.

No, the function is right, I was just reading it wrong.

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