Es schrieb suriya mohan:
> Hi herman and Tom,
>    Thanks for u'r comments and suggestions. Now it works as I
> expected. But when ffmpeg recording the live TV show the motion of
> the video streams in xawtv is bit slow. Then when i stop
> recording, that is when i stop ffmpeg recording video streams
> there is no audio in xawtv. Then after i increased the channel
> number I can hear the sound. That is there is no audio in xawtv
> when i just stop ffmpeg. What will be the reason and how to
> rectify the same ?


we use/abuse the apps somewhat out of specs here and I think it is not
officially recognized. They don't know from each other. Both behave
well to unmute the audio on startup and mute it on exit.

Streamer has already a option for doing nothing on that. For ffmpeg it
might be a feature request ;) Restart, mute twice or "v4lctl volume mute
off" will bring the sound back.

If you lower the resource request for ffmpeg, does it help on the motion
slowdown? I don't see it on X.




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