
I've been doing video capture with a modified motion and if it is left
to run at full speed, after about half an hour various kernel oopses
start to appear. If no video capture is being done then the kernel seems
capable of running for days on end without trouble and the machine has
passed countless extended memtest x86.

The crashes are happening with a 2.4.21 + preempt + lowlatency patched
kernel. The oops does not appear to be happening in bttv drivers but it
seems that it directly related to video capture as it never happens at
another point. The machine in question is a Athlon XP 2000+ running
RedHat 7.3. The crash also happens with RedHat's 2.4.18-27.7.x (whatever
that is). The card is a four port bt878.

I have enclosed a kernel oops and I have several more (but they all look
pretty similar to me). If any one can shed any light on what might be
happening I'd would be very grateful.
ksymoops 2.4.4 on i686 2.4.21.  Options used
     -v /boot/vmlinux-2.4.21 (specified)
     -k /proc/ksyms (default)
     -l /proc/modules (default)
     -o /lib/modules/2.4.21/ (default)
     -m /boot/System.map-2.4.21 (default)

cpu: 0, clocks: 1339032, slice: 669516
8139too Fast Ethernet driver 0.9.26
Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address fdfdfe01
*pde = 00000000
Oops: 0002
CPU:    0
EIP:    0010:[<c0137173>]    Not tainted
Using defaults from ksymoops -t elf32-i386 -a i386
EFLAGS: 00010046
eax: fdfdfdfd   ebx: 00000027   ecx: cc300000   edx: cbc57020
esi: 00000ea0   edi: 00000060   ebp: cdf5bed8   esp: cdf5bec4
ds: 0018   es: 0018   ss: 0018
Process kswapd (pid: 5, stackpage=cdf5b000)
Stack: 01000100 cc300000 00000246 cc300f64 c126d1c8 cdf5bef4 c01366e4 c126d1c8 
       cc300f64 cc300f64 cc300f64 cc300f64 cdf5bf04 c014211c c126d1c8 cc300f64 
       cdf5bf24 c014420a cc300f64 cc300f64 c114fadc cdf5a000 c114fadc 00001644 
Call Trace:    [<c01366e4>] [<c014211c>] [<c014420a>] [<c0137911>] [<c0136984>]
  [<c0137cd7>] [<c0137d33>] [<c0137e6e>] [<c0137ed7>] [<c013800e>] [<c0105000>]
  [<c01075d6>] [<c0137f70>]
Code: 89 50 04 89 02 c7 01 00 00 00 00 8b 4d 08 8b 55 08 83 c2 10 

>>EIP; c0137173 <kmem_cache_free_one+193/220>   <=====
Trace; c01366e4 <kmem_cache_free+74/c0>
Trace; c014211c <__put_unused_buffer_head+5c/70>
Trace; c014420a <try_to_free_buffers+8a/1a0>
Trace; c0137911 <shrink_cache+251/490>
Trace; c0136984 <kmem_cache_reap+144/290>
Trace; c0137cd7 <shrink_caches+57/80>
Trace; c0137d33 <try_to_free_pages_zone+33/60>
Trace; c0137e6e <kswapd_balance_pgdat+5e/b0>
Trace; c0137ed7 <kswapd_balance+17/30>
Trace; c013800e <kswapd+9e/c0>
Trace; c0105000 <_stext+0/0>
Trace; c01075d6 <arch_kernel_thread+26/40>
Trace; c0137f70 <kswapd+0/c0>
Code;  c0137173 <kmem_cache_free_one+193/220>
00000000 <_EIP>:
Code;  c0137173 <kmem_cache_free_one+193/220>   <=====
   0:   89 50 04                  mov    %edx,0x4(%eax)   <=====
Code;  c0137176 <kmem_cache_free_one+196/220>
   3:   89 02                     mov    %eax,(%edx)
Code;  c0137178 <kmem_cache_free_one+198/220>
   5:   c7 01 00 00 00 00         movl   $0x0,(%ecx)
Code;  c013717e <kmem_cache_free_one+19e/220>
   b:   8b 4d 08                  mov    0x8(%ebp),%ecx
Code;  c0137181 <kmem_cache_free_one+1a1/220>
   e:   8b 55 08                  mov    0x8(%ebp),%edx
Code;  c0137184 <kmem_cache_free_one+1a4/220>
  11:   83 c2 10                  add    $0x10,%edx

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