Hey, Rick,

You know, this post is fantastic. Easy for us to forget that there are human
beings behind text pixels.

Thanks for taking the time to enlighten our little group.

Hope you're ready for lots of questions :)


"It isn't done alone."

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rick Klau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <videoblogging@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Monday, July 18, 2005 11:27 PM
Subject: [videoblogging] Re: itunes censorship?

> Hi all, just joined the list after seeing this post and figured I'd
> jump in with a few comments. (For context - I'm with FeedBurner, I
> work with publishers who run their feeds through us.)
> --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, andrew michael baron wrote:
>> No, I am nearly certain your problem is Feedburner. We have 1000s of
>> subscribers and I have spent about two weeks closely watching and
>> coming to understand how iTunes works.
> We're always looking for more input, this has most definitely been a
> bit of a moving target the last few weeks. I've been talking with the
> podcasting team at Apple since just ahead of launch, and we're working
> with their engineers to ensure that our iTunes support is as effective
> as possible.
>> When iTunes launched, most of the videobloggers were out in the cold
>> for one reason: Feedburner.
> This seems a bit off the mark; since we republish your source feed,
> you're of course always welcome to add anything to your source feed
> that you like - we certainly don't strip anything out. A number of our
> more eager users in fact went live with iTunes support within hours of
> 4.9's launch, and then proceeded to fumble around as it became clear
> that the spec, the examples and the actual implementation were all a
> bit different.
> So we spent several days to ensure that we could add one-click iTunes
> support, something we released less than a week after 4.9 launched.
> Now the more than 10,000 vlog and podcast feeds which run through us
> have two options - either bake in the extensions directly by hand (or
> some other 3rd party plugin), or select the metadata from the
> drop-downs in the "smartcast" service menu at FeedBurner.
>> When you depend on a 3rd party, you are at their mercy for your
>> feed. I said this a long time ago but now we can see the direct
>> effects.
> We now have more than 50,000 publishers running nearly 80,000 feeds
> through us, and we take their dependence on us very seriously. We
> provide a free service for most (some users pay for enhanced stats),
> but it's an important and valued service to our users, and we strive
> to make the service as reliable and robust as possible... we'd have
> loved to throw iTunes support out there on day 1, but the flip-side of
> having so many people rely on you is that you have an obligation to
> get it right and eliminate as many rough edges as possible, so it's
> simple and reliable for the vast majority of the user base.
>> Also, Feedburner sucks for not having any control over updating your
>> feed.
> We've actually had built-in support for XMLRPC pings since day one,
> details are here:
> Once you've pinged us, the very next time someone requests your feed,
> we'll retrieve the most current version of the feed from your source URL.
>> Hey sorry Feedburner guys, I think you are doing great things and
>> people obviously need you. But this just sucks and makes the whole
>> thing not worth it.
> Hopefully I've been able to shed some light on how we operate and
> correct a few misconceptions. Couple thoughts if any of you have
> specific issues that come up - if you're a FeedBurner user having
> issues with your feed, you should send e-mail to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] That goes to our extended support team and
> generally gets you a reply within a few minutes. If you want to engage
> our user community, you can also post to our Forums -
> http://forums.feedburner.com/. We also try to answer those pretty
> quickly, you'll often see replies from other users as well.
> Finally, my contact info is below. While I'll try to keep an eye on
> things on this list and chime in if I can help (no self-promotion, I
> promise!), you're more than welcome to ping me directly. I've been a
> fan of vlogging since "meeting" Raymond Kristiansen a while back (I
> was at Socialtext then, and was working with him on the wiki for his
> day job), and am fascinated with where things are heading. It's
> exciting to be at a company that's helping the medium evolve... and of
> course, if we can make FeedBurner more responsive to the needs of
> vloggers, just let me know how.
> OK, this was far longer than I'd meant it to be. Thanks for listening,
> keep up the great work.
> --Rick
> ----
> Rick Klau
> VP, Business Development
> FeedBurner - http://www.feedburner.com
> AIM/Y!/Skype: RickKlau
> office: 312.756.0022
> cell: 630.362.8911
> Yahoo! Groups Links


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