On 4/10/06, maikhai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi List!
> O^ ho^ Ai tai!! Ca'i CNET switch cu?a tui ddang cha.y thi` ta('c tho+?! Nay
> co' mo^.t . . .va^'n dde^` ma.ng nhu+ sau :
> Ma'y A : co' eth0 (Yukon onboard, kho^ng xa`i) va` eth1 (Card 3c59x) ddang
> connect to^'t.
> Ma'y B : co' eth1 (card 3com)
> Thay vi` du`ng switch, nay no^'i ma'y B vo+'i ma'y A qua co^?ng eth0 (Yukon),
> tu+'c la` no^'i tru+.c tie^'p;
> co`n ADSL chi? connect vo+'i ma'y A qua eth1.
> Va^.y khi ba^.t ca? 2 ma'y, thi` ma'y B du`ng le^.nh chi dde^? xa`i ddu+o+.c
> ADSL ma` ma'y A ddang connect to^'t ?
> Thanks.
> --
> m k h _ s g n

Ca'i na`y lie^n quan to+'i proxy hoa(.c iptables ro^`i ba'c ui, ho+i
phu+'c ta.p chu't :-) De^~ nha^'t la` ba'c ca`i proxy tre^n ma'y A
ro^`i connect ma'y B qua ma'y A.

Proxy thi` du`ng squid. Ba'c tu+. nghie^n cu+'u nhe'. Le^n
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ho?i co`i, pmquan :-)


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