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Quoting Amitabh Saxena <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi Martin,
> Sorry for the delayed reply. I've had partial success with viff. I tried on
> a Vista box and an XP virtual machine. With Vista, I could not get the test
> to run correctly. With the XP, I was able to install it but the test
> millionaire program does not terminate (i.e., the programs say "I am
> millionaire #1 and I have 10 millions", etc and do not do anything after
> that). It seems there's some problem with communication in the VM.
> I think to install it properly, I need XP (not VM) or linux. I am planning
> to install one of these soon. I'll let you know the results.


I am running it perfectly on both XP and Vista with SSL turned OFF. However,
there is currently a problem that makes SSL report the unclean closure of the
connection on Windows XP (but everything does in fact work as it should), but
on Vista, VIFF with SSL enabled does currently not work. If you are on Vista,
you should run VIFF with --no-ssl (we hope to fix it soon).

So far I have not made it hang yet, so I am a bit puzzled about that. Perhaps it
has to do with the virtual machine, I don't know.

I can come with a few suggestions as to what could have gone wrong:
1. Something went wrong with the installation (generic, I know).
2. You have the wrong config files for your players.
3. You have the wrong version of OpenSSL installed (that should report an error
4. Vista's built-in firewall blocks VIFF by default. Maybe it has not been set
to allow it through yet.
5. You need to defragment your hard drive. This one is a joke :)
6. There is an undiscovered bug in VIFF (unspeakable!).

I have attached a cute little test program which I have tested on both Vista and
XP. Makes it easier to test it (don't worry, I am a trusted third party :)).

Let us know what happens. We'd love for VIFF to work on all the major platforms,
not just Linux.
viff-devel mailing list (http://viff.dk/)

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