Hi Marcel,

Very interesting! I think we should discuss this the next SIMAP/CACE meeting in Aarhus. We want, of course, that any application runs as fast as possible, so we need to think about how we get there in a systematic way. For instance, you call what you did a hack - is there a more "official" way to do it?

regards, Ivan

Quoting Marcel Keller <mkel...@cs.au.dk>:

Hi friends of VIFF,

I've now implemented the hack I mentioned at the last SIMAP/CACE meeting. The quintessence of the hack is that we do network communication every time a multiplication or open operation is scheduled, not only after returning the control back to Twisted.

As you can see in the attached graphs, the results are much better and more accurate than without the hack. The graph also shows that inversion by masking still is slower than inversion by exponentiation. However, the gap is smaller because I optimized PRSS which is used more with masking than with exponentiation. I guess that masking is slower because it needs more local computation and the network latency between the test machines is quite low (about 0.1 ms), which increases the impact of local computations.

If you want to try out the hack yourself, you find two patches attached. One is against Twisted 8.2.0 and one against the current tip of my VIFF repository: http://hg.viff.dk/mkeller/rev/d522f9b14b49. The PRSS optimizations can also be found there.

Furthermore, a new version of the document describing the AES implementation is attached. It corrects various errors of the previous version.

Best regards,

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