Hi Martin

Thanks for your thoughts on this.

I think the take-home message is that you have structured your code in
an unusual way. Whenever you add a callback to a Deferred but keep
referring to the Deferred inside the callback, then you're off track. At
least that's my experience :-)
Actually I think you are slightly off :)

Lets look at what the example does:
First, the Deferred a is created
Second, the callback r is created,
Third, a callback, append, is attached to a
Forth, r is added to values
Fifth, r is returned

What seems to be the problem is the returning of a deferred from a callback in combination with holding on to a reference to it in the callback.

On 05/08/2009, at 11.47, Martin Geisler wrote:

Janus Dam Nielsen <janus.niel...@alexandra.dk> writes:

As you see when player 1 adds a share to the value list, the current
result of the share is 13. However when player 1 comes around to add a
new share with current result 9, the current result of the share
already contained in the list has transformed into None! It is clear
from the hashcode that it is still the same object, so why does the
current value change??

I have tried to boil down the code as much as possible.

Here is an even simpler version of your code:

from viff.test.util import RuntimeTestCase, protocol
from viff.field import GF
Zp = GF(53)

class DealerTest(RuntimeTestCase):

   def test_next_three_cards(self, runtime):
       values = []


       def append(x, a, r):
           print runtime.id, "append", "x:", x, "a:", a, "r:", r
           return r

       def next_card(a):
           print runtime.id, "next_card", a
           r = runtime.input([1], Zp, runtime.id == 1 and 23 or None)
           print runtime.id, "values before:", values
           runtime.schedule_callback(a, append, a, r)
           print runtime.id, "values after:", values
           print runtime.id, "next_card return", a
           return a

fourtwo = runtime.input([1], Zp, runtime.id == 1 and 42 or None)
       return next_card(fourtwo)

It gives output like this:

% trial test_dealer.py | grep '^1'
1 next_card <Share at 0xaa88bec  current result: {42}>
1 values before: []
1 append x: {42} a: <Share at 0xaa88bec  current result: {42}>
                r: <Share at 0xaa8f36c  current result: {42}>
1 values after: [<Share at 0xaa8f36c  current result: None>]
1 next_card return <Share at 0xaa88bec  current result: {42}>

Sure enough, the 0xaa8f36c Share in the values array is changed by the
append function. The reason is that append is used as a callback returns
a Deferred (r). When a callback returns a Deferred, the final return
value becomes the value of the Deferred.

This is done in Deferred._runCallbacks, which loops through the
callbacks and updates self.result. It then has this code:

       if isinstance(self.result, Deferred):
           self.callbacks = cb

           # note: this will cause _runCallbacks to be called
           # "recursively" sometimes... this shouldn't cause any
           # problems, since all the state has been set back to
           # the way it's supposed to be, but it is useful to know
           # in case something goes wrong.  deferreds really ought
           # not to return themselves from their callbacks.


   def _continue(self, result):
       self.result = result

So Deferred._continue is added as a callback to our r Deferred, and
since _continue return None, this becomes the value stored inside r.

I think the take-home message is that you have structured your code in
an unusual way. Whenever you add a callback to a Deferred but keep
referring to the Deferred inside the callback, then you're off track. At
least that's my experience :-)

Martin Geisler

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Janus Dam Nielsen



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