I have Lorimer's facsimile. What I am really trying to find out is whether there were any recordings of Murcia's music made before 1987 and also whether any arrangements of it for classical guitar were published before that date. The date 1987 is crucial because that is when Lorimer's facsimile of the Saldivar ms. was published and Murcia suddenly became flavour of the month big time. Several people including myself did dissertations on him in the late 70s-early 80s and Robert Strizich refers to him in his article on ornamentation in the LSA journal of 1974.

Incidentally I wondered whether anyone on the list is on the Guitar-Summit list. I sent my message to them because it is more orientated towards the classical guitar and I thought there might be someone who could answer this query which is more about classical guitar versions than baroque guitar. But my message didn't seem to appear on that list and I haven't had any response. Perhaps it is now defunct.

Regards to all


----- Original Message -----   From: Azalais
To: Monica Hall
Sent: Monday, May 12, 2014 7:32 PM
Subject: Lorimer's bibliography? (ISBN 0-9618527-1-2

Hello Monica,

Your mention of the pre-1987 cut off date for de Murcia references leads me to believe that you must already have access to Michael Lorimer's book and its bibliography.

If not, I have a copy, if you need anything from it.

Thank you for the research!  I have always been a fan of De Murcia.


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