On 5/7/07, A.J.Mechelynck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Markus Trenkwalder wrote:
> Hi list,
>   checked out vim-7.1a.001 today from svn (#263) and tried to compile it
> with mingw-gcc and got the following error:
> ----8<----
> $ make -f Make_ming.mak
> gcc -c -Iproto -DWIN32 -DWINVER=0x0400 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0400
> -DDYNAMIC_ICONV -pipe -w -march=i386 -Wall -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
> -freg-struct-return -s gui_w32.c -o gobj/gui_w32.o
> gui_w32.c:236: error: redefinition of `struct tagNMTTDISPINFOA'
> gui_w32.c:246: error: redefinition of `struct tagNMTTDISPINFOW'
> make: *** [gobj/gui_w32.o] Error 1
> ----8<----
> My naive solution to this problem is:
> ----8<----
> --- src/gui_w32.c.000   Mon May  7 08:26:54 2007
> +++ src/gui_w32.c       Mon May  7 07:01:09 2007
> @@ -232,7 +232,7 @@
>      LPARAM     lParam;
> +#if !defined(LPNMTTDISPINFO) && !defined(TOOLTIPTEXTA)
>  typedef struct tagNMTTDISPINFOA {
>      NMHDR      hdr;
>      LPSTR      lpszText;
> ----8<----
> Regards
> Markus

You're not the first; there seems to have been a f*ckup in the svn commit
lately. I suggest you scrap your existing 7.1a sources and restart from
scratch, by downloading the 7.1a.000 sources then applying the 7.1a.001 patch.
Here are the files whose download I recommend:

1) the unpatched archives

The first one is not a typo: even for Windows, I recommend the *Unix* + extra
+ lang sources. Together, they have exactly one copy of every source file
needed to compile Vim for *any* platform including Windows.

Unpack them on top of each other at what will become your Vim directory "for
compiling", maybe something like D:\build\vim : they will create a subfolder
"vim71a" and place all the sources in it, creating subfolders as needed.

I don't know if you have a bz2 decompresser program, or if your version of
"patch" will accept the patch format. In both cases, MinGW may or may not
offer the necessary packages (look there first) but I know Cygwin does. (Even
WinZip knows about the .tar and .gz formats.)

2) the patch

Download it (and optionally its sibling files README MD5 and MD5SUMS) into a
newly-created subfolder named (in my example) D:\build\vim\vim71a\patches then
apply it by using (IIUC)

        cd \build\vim\vim70
        patch -p0 <patches\7.1a.001

Could you please tell me the differences between svn repository and
your downloaded and patched sources? In fact #262 is a broken
committing because the patch 7.1a.001 was applied to 7.0.243, so the
svn sources are broken. But #263 is just synced from the cvs
repository. So if it is broken, so is cvs.

See details at http://users.skynet.be/antoine.mechelynck/vim/compile.htm but
replace everywhere the directory name .../vim70/... by .../vim71a/..., even in
the name of what will become your "production" 7.1a $VIMRUNTIME after
compiling and installing.

I used Cygwin gcc and Make_cyg.mak but using MingGW and Make_ming.mak is not
very different. I trust you will know what to change in the procedure to cater
for any differences between them.

Best regards,
"All snakes who wish to remain in Ireland will please raise their right
                -- Saint Patrick

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