I was able to get it to compile under cygwin using Make_cyg.mak GUI=yes by
removing the two typedefs at line 236 and 247 in gui_w32.c.

It would seem that the pre-processor doesn't recognise labels from a previous
typedef, so the #ifndef LPNMTTDISPINFO test doesn't work as expected.

Or it's something along those lines...

What I find interesting is that the #ifndef LPNMTTDISPINFO should have
caught that LPNMTTDISPINFO was defined in commctrl.h which is included
in gui_w48.c included prior to the #ifndef LPNMTTDISPINFO test.

I managed to get it to compile by adding a #ifndef __GNUC__ (which
should work with both MinGW and Cygwin) guard around lines 235 to 253
(see the attached patch).



Chris Sutcliffe

Attachment: gui_w32_mingw.patch
Description: Binary data

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