
A short while ago I switched back from Emacs and have to write some 
Latex documents now.
So I downloaded the latex-suite via

git submodule add git://git.code.sf.net/p/vim-latex/vim-latex 

since my vim configuration is a repository. As you might notice, I use 
pathogen for package management.
Some features, I tried so far work fine, like <F5> for environment 
generation and <F9> for reference choice, but when I tried to use 'SSE' 
in insert mode, the result is as follows


so it is appending and not replacing the mapping. I read, that it is an 
IMAP, so I defined one by myself:

IMAP('sss', 'ttt', 'tex')

which also had the append effect. When writing 'sss', I get 'sssttt' 
instead of 'ttt'.
This undesired behavior seems to be independent of  the document, I 
write in. Usually, I use documents without any header at all, and put 
the document together via \input, but I also tried a minimal version 
with some documentclass defined and the document environment, without 
any package inclusion.

I use

gvim --version
VIM - Vi IMproved 7.3 (2010 Aug 15)

Any idea of what the problem is?


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