On Thu, May 25, 2006 at 03:13:45PM -0400, James Vega wrote:
>> Aha!  You have spotted the problem.  I have both vim-perl and vim-python
>> installed, and even though they have the same priority, the system is
>> defaulting to vim.python.
>You can change that with update-alternatives --config, but then you'll
>run into a similar situation if you (or someone else on that machine)
>want to use Python to script Vim. :)
>> So now the question is, is it possible to enable both Perl and Python at
>> the same time?
>We have vim-full which has support for all the interpreters (minus
>MzScheme).  This is one of the situations where binary distributions are
>lacking because there's a trade-off between trying to meet everyone's
>needs and having numerous different versions of the same program.

Joy!  vim-full is just the ticket.  I can't think why it was not
installed before.  Binary distributions do have drawbacks, but
generally, managing all of my programs with apt is far more effective
then muddling with source when I don't have to.  Thanks for the help.



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