I'm getting the same behavior under the same conditions on both WinXP
and Linux (Ubuntu 5.10), with "standard" installations of Vim 7 (i.e.,
without compile-time or command-line modifications, or modifications
to .*vimrc's). I've delved a bit deeper (though unsystematically and
unscientifically) and made the following observations:

- "Loose" text (i.e. not contained within or modified by any tags)
doesn't appear to be spellchecked. Granted, there ought not _be_
completely loose text in HTML, ought there not? ;)
- Text both within a <p></p> _and_ modified by something like a <b> or
an <i> or an <em> _is_ spellchecked. Unmodified text within a <p>
isn't. Thus:
        <p>This word is spelled incorectly</p> = no marking.
        <p><em>This word is spelled incorectly</em></p> = marked.
        <p>This word is spelled incorectly, <em>and so is this onwe</em></p>
= 'incorectly' not marked, 'onwe' marked.
- Unmodified text within <div> or <span> isn't spellchecked, inside of
or outside of a <p>. Add, say, <i> or <b> or <em>, and it suddenly is
(inside or outside of a <p>aragraph.)
- <title>s aren't spellchecked.
- "spellcheck" isn't really a word. ;)

I've probably offered nothing particularly useful or helpful, but at
least I've had fun hearing myself type. :) Thanks.

On 5/26/06, David Purton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Fri, May 26, 2006 at 11:30:52AM +0200, Mikolaj Machowski wrote:
> Dnia piątek, 26 maja 2006 03:28, David Purton napisał:
> >
> > Any suggestions? It kind of looks like a bug, but maybe I'm missing
> > something obvious.
> Maybe you have some custom highlighting definitions for HTML? Remove
> them and check once more.

mmm, not as far as I know. how can I tell?

Well it *is* related to syntax highlighting.

If I turn syntax higlighting off, it works correctly.

It is not just windows, I can reproduce the probem under linux as well.

Using debian unstable I can do the following to reproduce the problem:

$ gvim -u /etc/vim/vimrc -U /etc/vim/gvimrc    # load debian defaults
:set filetype=xhtml
:set spell

Enter the following:

<h1>This word is spelt incorectly</h1>
<p>This word is spelt incorectly</p>

h1, p and incorectly should be marked as wrong in all places.

Now turn syntax on
:syntax on

Only incorectly within the <h1> tag is marked as wrong. The tag names
are not marked as wrong (good), but incorectly in the <p> tag is missed



David Purton
Haese & Harris Publications
Phone: +61 8 8355 9444    Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fax:   +61 8 8355 9471    Web:   http://www.haeseandharris.com.au/

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