A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

Now, there does exist an X11 server for Mac Os X but I've heard some Mac users don't want to use it because (I've been told) applications running through the X server are not visible as distinct running Mac applications.

This is true. It's possible to run X11 apps, such as the GIMP, Pan, GnuCash, and OpenOffice.org with Apple's X11 program, but these do not appear as distinct applications like everything else in OS X: they are merely windows in the X11 program. This, combined with the different GUIs, makes those applications less-than-seamlessly integrated with the rest of the system. OTOH, X11 is often the best or only way to use those applications. It's possible to use gvim in X11, but even though the Carbon version has some holes in it, most people (AFAIK) prefer the latter.

Benjamin D. Esham
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“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the
illusion of knowledge.”                        — Stephen Hawking

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