><p>1. I am good</p>
><p>2. You sucks!</p>
><p>3. Take that, moron</p>
>I want to change those sentences into:
><p id="1">1. I am good</p>
><p id="2">2. You sucks!</p>
><p id="3">3. Take that, moron</p>

>How do I do that using vim replace command?
>All I can think  is this:
>:%s/<p>\d/<p id="\d">\d/igc

Me personally?  I'd do something like

        :s/\(<p>\)\([0-9]*\)\(. \)/<p id="\2">\2\3/p

Ie, first field is the "<p>", second is the index, third is the '. '
(you want to preserve the format, and not get any false hits), and
replace with the new tag, and simply put back the 2nd/3rd fields.

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