Does vim support a special type of 'iskeyword' setting for
Ctrl-] searching for tags?

Here is my problem: after adding filenames to my tags file,
I now want to use the convenience of Ctrl-] to jump to files
as well as identifiers.

For example, positioning the cursor on defines.h and pressing
Ctrl-], from inside a line like this,

  #include "defines.h"

I get an error,

  E426: tag not found: defines

But Ctrl-] finds the tag if I do this,

  set iskeyword+=.

I presume Ctrl-] is searching for the keyword under the cursor,
so the .h portion is not seen unless I add . to iskeyword.

But adding . to iskeyword makes Ctrl-] work incorrectly on
identifiers in other cases, such as,


using Ctrl-] on bufmgr causes vim to search for bufmgr.refcnt,
which is obviously not correct.

How do I solve this apparent discrepancy?



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