In vim docs, there is example like this:
As far as I know, it is also possible to do it without g:
Is there a difference, a reason to prefer the
first form, the longer for with 'g' ?

I don't think in the example you gave, that there's a significant difference, if any.

However, where the pattern (so to speak) is useful, is where you want something like


where rather than using the same pattern, you have two different patterns. I use this frequently to do things like


to comment out any lines in a script that use the "echo" command. Yes, this could be rewritten as


but the former makes clearer sense in my head.

It's particularly useful if you have pieces that you're searching for that overlap:

        text:   aaabbbcccddd

where the pattern matches one fragment, and the s// matches an overlapping, but not-quite-the-same-end-points fragment of the line.


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