Hi Kib :)

 * kib2 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> dixit:
> I wonder if I can highlight more things in Python, I would like to 
> highlight functions call , i.e in a Python source, in the following line:
> os.popen(...)
> be able to highlight the word "popen".
> is it possible ?

    Yes, it is. First, check the Python syntax file: if it already has a
syntax group for such constructs, you just need to do:

    hi def TheSyntaxGroup ...

    See ":help highlight" for that.

    If the syntax file doesn't have such construct, you will need to do
something like this (UNTESTED!):

    syntax match PythonFunCall \I\i\+.\zs\I\i\+\ze(
    hi def PythonFunCall ...

    The regex means:

    \I   Identifier character except numbers
    \i   Identifier character including numbers
    \+   One or more of the last atom
    .    A literal dot
    \zs  Here starts the match (so, the coloring)
    \I   Id
    \i   Id
    \+   Id
    \ze  Here ends the match (so, the coloring)
    (    A literal open parentheses

    Please note that I'm not sure about "\zs" and "\ze" being legal in a
"syntax match" command. If they aren't, use "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" and family 
(see ":help zero-width" for that).

    Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado

Linux Registered User 88736 | http://www.dervishd.net
It's my PC and I'll cry if I want to... RAmen!

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