Yegappan Lakshmanan wrote:

On 2/5/07, ben lieb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Cameron Simpson wrote:
> On 05Feb2007 01:44, ben lieb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> | > Have you tried:
> | >   :n path/file*
> [...]
> | That's better than where I was, thanks. Ideally the files would all be > | "visible", either split on the screen, or in separate tabs. Is there a
> | way to do this?

You can use the ":sall" or ":all" command to open all the files in the
argument list in a separate window.

   :n *.txt

You can use the ":argadd" command instead of the ":next" command to
add files to the argument list.

   :argadd *.txt

To open the files in separate tabs, use the ":tab" command modifier.

  :tab all

Similarly you can use the ":sball" command to open all the files in the
Vim buffer list.

- Yegappan

... yes, and, to lift any ambiguity, in Vim terminology "windows" are what other programs would call "panes" or "split screens"; not what Windows or X11 would call "(program) windows".

Best regards,
hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
13. You refer to going to the bathroom as downloading.

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