
The :set lines=99999 columns=99999 does not really maxmize the Vim window.
Since there's still borders for the window, a maximized window have no
borders (AFAIK this is true for WinXP and KDE).

Since you are highly unlikely to use a Windows version other than English
and Chinese. The following method works:

    if has("gui_win32")       " NT Windows
        autocmd GUIEnter * :simalt ~x

Tony think the method is non-portable, that is true, if there's a portable
way to do the job, I will prefer the portable way. However, the :set
lines=99999 columns=99999 cannot do the same job as the :simalt can do, so
their must be a compromize. I would recommend the ":simalt" way until there
is a nature way for vim to cope with that.

There's a third (although not exactly desirable) way. If you use vim
sessions, you can add 'resize' to the set of sessionoptions, and set
columns and lines to values that are useful for a significant length
of time. This way, they will persist across sessions.

I use this method under the ratpoison window manager in Linux and it
works quite well.

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