
* On Tue, Mar 13, 2007 at 11:29:28PM +0100, A.J.Mechelynck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> How can a Vim script know if we're running without an X connection?
> Of course, some cases are obvious, such as
>       if has('unix') && !has('x11')
> meaning we're on Unix with no X11 support compiled-in.
> But what about an X-enabled Vim running in console mode, either with
> the -X command-line switch, or in a terminal with no access to an X
> server?
> [...]
> It doesn't take care, however, of the case when an X-enabled Vim was 
> started as "vim -X" in an xterm. Is there a way to check for that in 
> vimscript?

What about checking whether .gvimrc is sourced or not?
Testing also for has('x11') could be a way to be sure vim is compiled
for x11, and running with an X connection.

Reading the documentation from |.gvimrc|, it seems there are a few other
way to test for the fact you are running with graphics support.

Unless you want to also support vim running in console, and with X-term
support [1], this should do it. Otherwise, what about testing the
options vim was launched with (thanks to a system('ps
-relevant-options')) ?


[1] I don't know whether it is relevant or not.
Luc Hermitte

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