On 4/2/07, Peter Hodge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

--- fREW <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Is there a way to change the completion menu colors?

Change the highlighting options for the Pmenu* highlight groups:

  :hi Pmenu      ctermfg=Cyan    ctermbg=Blue cterm=None guifg=Cyan
  :hi PmenuSel   ctermfg=White   ctermbg=Blue cterm=Bold guifg=White
guibg=DarkBlue gui=Bold
  :hi PmenuSbar                  ctermbg=Cyan            guibg=Cyan
  :hi PmenuThumb ctermfg=White                           guifg=White

etc.  The 'cterm*' settings are for colour terminal, the 'gui*' settings are
for GUI.

You can see all colour groups by using ':runtime syntax/hitest.vim', or in GUI
Vim use the menu selection Syntax -> Highlight Test.


Are these things that should be set in the colorschemes, but just
aren't yet because the names are new, or what?


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