Gene Kwiecinski wrote:
Otherwise, do a '0' and ride the 'j' key allll the way down a
file.  If the cursor doesn't budge, how would you be able to
tell if it was a space or multiple spaces there, or a tab

Well, if that information is truely useful and what you want to know, you can always
        :set list

Displays "^I" just fine, but trashes actual indentation, at least for me
(dunno if there's any magical 'vim' setting, like ":set keepindent" or
something).  Iow, I wanna be able to see

                                indented text...

and just see whether it's indented with spaces or tabs, not

        ^I^I^Iindented text...$

with everything squooshed to the left of the screen.

Now, maybe if there were a "show" character in list-mode, so it'd look

        >    >    >indented text

that'd work for me, too.

Worse comes to worse, I just do "/^I" and have all tabs highlighted in
fiery-red, but I can't deal with too much of that, as it sunburns my
retinas fairly quickly.

About the fiery red highlight, change your colourscheme; or move it to (on Windows, but in Vim terminology) $HOME/vimfiles/colors/ under a changed name (create the directories if necessary) then change the highlight for the Search and/or IncSearch groups.

About the width of tabs, see ":help 'listchars'":

With 'list' on, then if 'listchars' doesn't contain "tab:" each tab is replaced by ^I, trashing indentation. But if it contains "tab:xy" where x and y are any two characters (the same or different) then x marks the start of each tab and y the rest of it. Note that spaces, double quotes, bars and backslashes must be backslash-escaped.

Examples (assuming ts=8):

        :set list listchars=tab:\ \ ,eol:¶
                keep tabs as up to 8 spaces, show ends-of-lines with
                the Pilcrow mark

        :set list listchars=tab:\|_,eol:$
                show each tab as one bar followed by 0 to 7 underlines,
                ends-of-lines as dollar signs.

        :set list listchars=tab:^\ ,trail:§,extends:>,precedes:<,nbsp:~
                - a hard tab as one caret followed by zero or more spaces
                - end-of-line is not highlighted
                - trailing spaces as §
                - last character before overflow right in 'nowrap' mode as >
                - first character after overflow left in 'nowrap mode as <
                - no-break spaces as (blue) tildes


Best regards,
According to Arkansas law, Section 4761, Pope's Digest:  "No person
shall be permitted under any pretext whatever, to come nearer than
fifty feet of any door or window of any polling room, from the opening
of the polls until the completion of the count and the certification of
the returns."

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