Quoting Robert Hicks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Is there a way to use "wget" or "curl" to get scripts off the Vim site?

Sure -- getscript.vim (:GLVS, :GetLatestVimScripts) uses wget if its available,
curl otherwise. Getscript comes with vim 7.1, too.  If you set up a file called

ScriptID SourceID Filename
294 1 Align.vim
120 2 Decho.vim

etc then :GLVS will check if the scripts have been updated and download them
automically (via wget or curl) if they have been.  Scripts which have lines
such as:

" GetLatestVimScripts: [srcid] 1 :AutoInstall: Scriptname.vim

will be searched for and automatically made a part of your
GetLatestVimScripts.dat file.  The optional ":AutoInstall:" line means that the
script author believes that its safe for getscripts.vim to go ahead and
automatically install the script if an update is available.  Try reading the
help for this if you're interested...   :help getscript

Chip Campbell

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