>  I am trying to write a simple function, which searches through
>  the whole buffer to fund a certain pattern and stops searching
>  when found the first match. I also want the function to 
>  return a matched/not matched return code and given the caller
>  the line/column of the match if found.

You might try with the built-in search() function.  There are
some nuances to finding a match on the first line, but these can
be overcome by going to *end* of the file, and then searching
with wrapscan.  Something like this untested function might do
the trick:

 function! first(pat)
   let old_line = line('.')
   let result=search(a:pat, 'w')
   exec old_line
   return result

You can read up on the nuances and flags of search() at

        :help search()


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