On Jul 26, 2005, at 19:08, Keith Johnson wrote:
On Jul 26, 2005, at 5:21 PM, Kyle Koerner wrote:

Hi All-
First message here, but I've been around for a few weeks.

I have two LCs - a III and a 520 (AIO). The III runs headless, and has System 7.0 or 7.1 on it. 5MB RAM. My 520 has 7.5.3 and 12 MB of RAM.

I was able to set up a simple network with the printer ports and a serial cable (with the III's HD in a SCSI box). The III is the server and the 520 is the client. I use the III's HD for storage, mainly. I have no way to shut it down properly - it is always shut down with the switch in the back after I'm done. I also have a Daystar Genesis (although not working right now) and a Stylewriter 2400. Is there any way to get these items into the network? (when the daystar is fixed)

My questions:  Is there a better way to do this whole thing?

How should I connect the 2400? Can I hook it up to the III and share the printer that way, or just directly into the 520? Which way would be faster? Note, the LC III seems to have desktop printing capability while the 520 doesn't.

Is there a way to access floppy disks put into the III? What about a SCSI CD-ROM drive? That is, access a floppy/CD attached to the II from the 520's desktop?

Is there any way to remotely shut down the III properly, not just cutting the power to it?

Does this make sense to anybody, or am I asking too much from these old machines?

You can network these with a simple ethernet network. Assuming they don't already have ethernet cards, you'll have to find them. I'm pretty sure I have cards for the LC III and the 520 that I could send you for $10 or so plus a couple bucks for shipping. The 2400 , iirc, can be shared via the serial printer port on either computer. The 520 should be able to do desktop printing - it needs to have the extension turned on.

The Daystar already has ethernet but you need an AAUI dongle to convert apple's ethernet jack to a standard ethernet jack. Again, these aren't expensive. The last thing you need is an ethernet switch or hub. This would also allow the three access to the internet if you really like pain.

Why do this? Ethernet is faster than appletalk by far, and I'm not sure how to link three macs unless you use localtalk, which is still an appletalk network.

I use PhoneNet connectors, which regularly show up on the swap list frequently enough if one is watching for them.

Indeed Ethernet is faster, but PhoneNet connectors are easier if one isn't transferring huge files.


As far as accessing media on one computer across a network, it's been too long since I tried - and as for shutting the LC III off remotely, I'll let someone else handle that one. Or just let it run and let it sleep.

I hope I helped a little.


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