Can one use OpenCL when running under VirtualGL?

I noticed that clinfo segfaults if I invoke it with:

"vglrun clinfo"

I'm using the latest VirtualGL 2.5, CentOS 6.7 64-bit, AMD FirePro W8000 

Core was generated by `clinfo'.
Program terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
#0  0x00007f6e9fd77fcd in ?? () from 
Missing separate debuginfos, use: debuginfo-install 
VirtualGL-2.5-20160215.x86_64 glibc-2.12-1.166.el6_7.7.x86_64 
libX11-1.6.0-6.el6.x86_64 libXau-1.0.6-4.el6.x86_64 
libXext-1.3.2-2.1.el6.x86_64 libXv-1.0.9-2.1.el6.x86_64 
libgcc-4.4.7-16.el6.x86_64 libstdc++-4.4.7-16.el6.x86_64 
libxcb-1.9.1-3.el6.x86_64 mesa-libGL-10.4.3-1.el6.x86_64 
numactl-2.0.9-2.el6.x86_64 opencl-1.2-intel-cpu-
(gdb) bt
#0  0x00007f6e9fd77fcd in ?? () from 
#1  0x00007f6e9fcf1e81 in clGetPlatformInfo () from 
#2  0x000000000040e8be in int 
cl::detail::getInfoHelper<cl::detail::GetInfoFunctor0<int (*)(_cl_platform_id*, 
unsigned int, unsigned long, void*, unsigned long*), _cl_platform_id*> 
>(cl::detail::GetInfoFunctor0<int (*)(_cl_platform_id*, unsigned int, unsigned 
long, void*, unsigned long*), _cl_platform_id*>, unsigned int, 
std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, 
std::__1::allocator<char> >*, long) [clone .isra.35] [clone .constprop.213] ()
#3  0x000000000040fd57 in 
cl::detail::param_traits<cl::detail::cl_platform_info, 2308>::param_type 
cl::Platform::getInfo<2308>(int*) const ()
#4  0x0000000000407fc3 in main ()

If I rename /etc/OpenCL/vendors/intel64.icd I can then run "vglrun clinfo", and 
it does not crash.  I get a list indicating AMD APP is the provider, with one 
CPU device.   The GPU device is not listed.  If I run clinfo without using 
vglrun, the AMD APP provider lists both a CPU device and a GPU device.


Jeff McWilliams
Software Development Manager - Altair HyperView

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