Hi VirtualGL users,

I need your help on a set up of virtualGL, or decide if I can use virtualGL
to solve my problem.

My setup: a Ubunt 14.04 server called 'roundvalley' has multiple Nvidia
GPUs for parallel computing, but they do not have any VGA/DVI/DisplayPort
and not connected to monitor. The only onboard-card connected to a monitor
does not have 3D capability, and Ubuntu automatically load a kernel driver
module (I forgot the module name) for this onboard card.

Client side is Windows. My goal is to use VNC to connect to the server and
run 3D application (need OpenGL) in my VNC session.

My question is, can I configure virtualGL to use any of Nvidia GPU even
they are not used for display currently?

I read the official document and found:
==== user doc =====
6.2 Using VirtualGL with Multiple GPUs

VirtualGL can redirect the OpenGL commands from a 3D application to any GPU
in the server machine. In order for this to work, however, all of the GPUs
must be attached to different screens on the same X server or to different
X servers.
====== end user doc ======

Does it mean the GPU need to connect to physical screens, or some
definitions in X.org file?

I appreciate your help.

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