Nathan wrote:
Kingsley Idehen wrote: wrote:
Not sure if that will help do what I want. I'd like something that can be used with a search box that can be used for free-text queries to find items of a specific class.

For example to look for movies it could set to find items of rdf:type, where the search terms could be from something like rdfs:label from the movie and rdfs:label from, and A query with the terms "Scorsese DiCaprio gangs" might then return,, the movie "Gangs of New York" which has the actor "Leonardo DiCaprio", director "Martin Scorsese" and "gangs" in the title. The point here though is that when the query is executed, it won't know that Scorsese is the director, DiCaprio is an actor and gangs is from the title, just that each of the terms should be in either the movie label, directed_by, produced_by or starring.

Are you telling me that via Solr you can perform a disambiguated full text search?

Did you try putting: Gangs of New York, into the "URI Lookup (By Label)" tab?

If you have a URL for a Solr instance that performs disambiguated search against a full text pattern, please send it to me.

possibly worth noting that I moved *from* SOLR to Virtuoso for precisely this reason (initially) all though now I could give a hundred more (but please don't ask me to list a full 100 reasons).




List the top 5. Or the Top 1 that would trigger a Solr retort URL re claim invalidation :-)

I ask because I am yet to grok how Solr offers any kind of solution to: disambiguated precision search & find, in a Linked Data realm, that comes close to what Virtuoso offers.



Kingsley Idehen President & CEO OpenLink Software Web:
Twitter/ kidehen

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