On 12/28/10 10:52 AM, Nguyen Mau Quoc Hoan wrote:
I've read the RDF Geography Virtuoso document and tried some examples in this.

    PREFIX geo: <http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#>

        SELECT ?class

        COUNT (*)

        WHERE { ?m geo:geometry ?geo .

        ?m a ?class .

        FILTER ( <bif:st_intersects>

        ( ?geo,<bif:st_point> (0, 52),100)



        GROUP BY ?class

        ORDER BY DESC 2

and I got this error message :
42001 Error SR185: Undefined procedure SPARQL.SPARQL.st_point.
What's problem with this?I think this function is already defined in virtuoso.

You can use SPARQL-GEO with the Open Source edition of Virtuoso, you need the commercial edition for this functionality.


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