On 2/7/11 11:27 AM, Leyla Jael García Castro wrote:
Thanks Ivan, I will check to link you sent me, that would work for the medical information case. As for the papers scenario, we would have to build a query build on top of Virtuoso.

Think about Named Graphs as View mechanisms. You can make all sorts of Named Graphs in Virtuoso and then associate them with WebIDs. Private stuff goes in a Private graph which is then ACL protected. Note, how you can use WebID to protect Virtuoso SPARQL endpoints [1].


1. http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/dataspace/dav/wiki/Main/VirtAuthPolicyFOAFSSL -- How to protects your SPARQL endpoint via WebID protocol



On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 4:16 PM, Ivan Mikhailov <imikhai...@openlinksw.com <mailto:imikhai...@openlinksw.com>> wrote:

    Hello Leyla,

    Virtuoso supports graph-level security, as described in
    but not subject-level or predicate-level, so if the application should
    keep some properties private it should keep their triples in an
    private graph.

    If a user has read access to some data it has full read access.
    does not have a "filter-only" access permission. What can be used in
    search criteria can also be returned. The possible workaround for
    could be exposing only abstracts, but it would be better to make a
    builder that would not be able to return "hidden" data.

    Best Regards,

    Ivan Mikhailov
    OpenLink Software

    On Sun, 2011-02-06 at 18:14 +0000, Leyla Jael García Castro wrote:
    > Hello All,
    > We have some RDF files modeling medical information including
    > treatment, patient name, gender, age, etc. Information related to
    > deseases and treatments are public while names and so other are
    > private and should be visible only to authorized users.
    > Both public and private information could be used in SPARQL queries,
    > but actually retrieving the private fields should be restricted. How
    > can this security issue taken into account in Virtuoso?
    > Another example is related to publications. Only subscribers
    should be
    > able to actually retrieve the text of a publication; however
    > should be able to use those fields for querying and filter. For
    > instance, retrieving authors for all those papers with "term X"
    in the
    > "introduction" section should be possible for everyone whilst
    > retrieving the corresponding text for the "introduction" section
    > should be only available to subscribers. How can I achieve that with
    > Virtuoso? or SPARQL?
    > I appreciate any help in this regard,
    > LJ

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