HI Jörn,

> i'm running a machine learning algorithm against a local Virtuoso 7.2.1 
> SPARQL endpoint containing ~ 6 G triples...
> After several weeks of using it (including reboots etc.) tonight it crashed 
> after > 6h of heavy load with no further information in any of the logs than 
> this in dmesg:
>> traps: virtuoso-t[54165] general protection ip:931aa7 sp:7f9b34d2eda0 
>> error:0 in virtuoso-t[400000+c00000]
> It seems like it tried to access some memory it wasn't meant to access and 
> the kernel simply killed it for that:
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_protection_fault
> Did anyone ever experienced something similar?
> Any reasonable way i could maybe get some more meaningful log if that happens 
> again?

You could reconfigure your build using —with-debug so the compiler will add 
symbol information to your binary, and run the 

        $ ulimit -c unlimited

command before starting the 

        $ virtuoso-t 

server to tell the kernel to save a core dump file containing postmortem 
information on threads, stack frames, memory etc.

Then continue to run your algorithm.

If the crash happens again, the following commands can be used to provide call 
stack information to OpenLink:

        $ gdb virtuso-t core
        gdb> bt

Patrick van Kleef
Program Manager
OpenLink Software


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