On 12/28/15 7:13 AM, Pantelis Natsiavas wrote:
> Hi everybody.
> I use a Virtuoso instance installed on ubuntu (Virtuoso version:
> 07.20.3214, Build: Oct 14 2015), in order to execute sparql queries.
> My queries are quite complex and make heavy use of the "OPTIONAL"
> pattern. While I have used the same queries on another virtuoso
> endpoint (not controlled by me) I cannot seem to use them on mine. I
> keep getting the message
> "Virtuoso 42000 Error The estimated execution time 0 (sec) exceeds the
> limit of 18000 (sec)."
> As you see, I have changed the timeout parameters in the virtuoso.ini
> file and put an irrational value (18000 seconds!!!). Still, it seems
> that the engine would refuse to execute my query.
> My questions are:
> 1. Is the value "0" mentioned as execution time a special value or is
> it just a bug? Is it logical to assume that the virtuoso estimates
> that the query would require infinite time to execute?
> 2. Are there any other configurations that I could do in order to
> improve situation?
> 3. Is there anything that I should keep in mind when I use the
> "OPTIONAL" sparql query pattern? I mean, is there a documented (even
> informally) way of improving the performance of queries using OPTIONAL
> clauses?
> Kind regards,
> Pantelis Natsiavas 

I suggest you share your [SPARQL] section settings from your Virtuoso INI.

-- this doc has a section on settings for DBpedia.


Kingsley Idehen       
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