On 4/4/17 9:54 AM, Iker Esnaola wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to update my Graph by means of the SPARQL endpoint and the
> following query:
> DELETE {?s rdf:type "A "}
> INSERT {?s rdf:type "B" }
> from <myGRAPH>
> WHERE { ?s rdf:type "A"}
> I am getting the following error: Virtuoso 42000 Error SR186:SECURITY:
> No permission to execute procedure
> DB.DBA.SPARQL_MODIFY_BY_DICT_CONTENTS with user ID 107, group ID 107
> After giving SPARQL_UPDATE permissions to the “SPARQL” user, there is
> no such a problem and I am able to perform the query.
> However, my SPARQL endpoint is public so this is not a good practice.
> I have been looking for information in this matter but I didn’t find
> anything decisive. Is there any possibility of login in the SPARQL
> endpoint? I am thinking of some way of enabling certain users to
> update the content (e.g. administrators) while leaving the rest of the
> users with only query permissions.
> Thanks in advance,

To cut a long story short, you will need attrtibute-based acls (ABAC)
which are part of the commercial edition of Virtuoso [1]. If you don't
want to exploit that degree of sophistication you can try role-based
acls (RBAC) via our Graph Security feature.

-- End to End Example re. Attributed-based access control

-- Role-based Graph Security


Kingsley Idehen       
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