On 5/5/17 5:29 PM, S.M.Shamimul Hasan wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to run the following query on the Virtuoso SPARQL endpoint
> to calculate the path between nodes. However, it is giving me
> following error. Could you please let me know how to fix it? BTW the
> query works fine for the Jena TDB. However, I want to use Virtuoso
> triplestore because it contains all of my datasets.
> Query:
> ---------
> PREFIX fused:<http://test.edu/vocab/>
> select ?super ?sub (count(?mid) as ?distance) from
> <http://test.edu/example/replicate9/> {
>   ?mid fused:getInfectedBy* ?super.
>   ?sub fused:getInfectedBy+ ?mid.
> }
> group by ?super ?sub
> order by ?super ?sub
> Error:
> --------
> Virtuoso 37000 Error TR...: Query contains a transitive derived table
> but neither end of it is bound by equality to other columns or parameters.
> Thanks a lot.
> Sincerely,
> S.M.Shamimul Hasan

## Fails (correctly so) with Transitivity error; Virtuoso 37000 Error
TR...: Query contains a transitive derived table but neither end of it
is bound

PREFIX fused:<http://test.edu/vocab/>

SELECT ?super ?sub (count(?mid) as ?distance) 
          ?mid fused:getInfectedBy* ?super.
          ?sub fused:getInfectedBy+ ?mid.
GROUP BY ?super ?sub
ORDER BY ?super ?sub

## Workaround using a sub-query

PREFIX fused: <http://test.edu/vocab/>

SELECT SAMPLE(?t) ?super ?sub (count(?mid) as ?distance) 
        { SELECT distinct ?super
          WHERE { ?x fused:getInfectedBy ?super }
       ?mid fused:getInfectedBy* ?super.
       ?sub fused:getInfectedBy+ ?mid.
GROUP BY ?super ?sub
ORDER BY ?super ?sub

You can copy and paste each to the SPARQL endpoint at
http://linkeddata.uriburner.com/sparql or even
http://dbpedia.org/sparql. In either case, the second query will return
an empty solution as solution proof.


Kingsley Idehen       
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