
I succeeded by replacing the virt_rdf4j.jar Version 2.1.4 [Build 1.2]
which I downloaded as explained here :


I instead downloaded and extracted rdf4j_virtuoso.zip as explained here


I compiled a new virt_rdf4j.jar after  |adding the latest rdf4j 2.2.2 in

Though the result is an older build, reporting Version 2.0.1 [Build
1.1], it is now matching and working with rdf4j 2.2.2 for me.

Perhaps it is a good idea to update |rdf4j_virtuoso.zip with the latest
build so one can compile a version which is the latest on all ends.

Summary : virt_rdf4j.jar must be manually build to match a recent rdf4j.



Hugh Williams schrieb am 13.06.2017 um 01:10:
> Hi Henrik,
> We had originally tested with rdf4j 2.0.1 which works. I have just
> updated my local installation to use the rdf4j 2.2.1 war files and it
> continues to work and I can create and query new repositories.
> Note I am using Tomcat 9 but would expect it to work with other
> versions  ...
> Best Regards
> Hugh Williams
> Professional Services
> OpenLink Software, Inc.      //              http://www.openlinksw.com/
> Weblog   -- http://www.openlinksw.com/blogs/
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> Universal Data Access, Integration, and Management Technology Providers
>> On 6 Jun 2017, at 11:16, Henrik Schmidt <h...@informatik.uni-kiel.de
>> <mailto:h...@informatik.uni-kiel.de>> wrote:
>> Hi Hugh,
>> I followed the instructions.
>> Copied virt_rdf4j.jar and virtjdbc4_2.jar to the server and workbench
>> WEB-INF/lib folders and the two xsl files to the workbench tansitions
>> folder.
>> I could select virtuoso in the workbench as a new repository and did
>> enter just the name/description/login/password/graph data values and
>> kept the rest on default. When I press 'create' the error is happening.
>> I could make it work for virtuoso with the old sesame 4.1.2
>> workbench/server and using virt_sesame4.jar with virtjdbc4.jar and
>> the matching xsl files.
>> The trace log does not show anything so I guess the problem is before
>> rdf4j contacting the virtuoso server.
>> Did you test it successfully ?
>> Best,
>> Henrik
>> Hugh Williams schrieb am 05.06.2017 um 15:35:
>>> Hi Henrik,
>>> I presume you are following the instructions at:
>>> https://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/dataspace/doc/dav/wiki/Main/VirtSesame2HttpRepository
>>> When during the addtion of the repo is the error occurring ? I
>>> assume Virtuoso is at least listed as an available repository and
>>> you have provide connection details and if so please provide the
>>> details of the connection params passed ? And it is at the point of
>>> added the Virtuoso repo that the error is occurring ?
>>> If the RDF4J HTTP server is attempting to connect to Virtuoso then
>>> you can enable tracing to the “virtuos.log” file using the
>>> trace_on() function as detailed at:
>>> http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/fn_trace_on/
>>> Which should provide details of what is occurring in Virtuoso and
>>> hence possible cause of the problem ...
>>> Best Regards
>>> Hugh Williams
>>> Professional Services
>>> OpenLink Software, Inc.      //              http://www.openlinksw.com/
>>> Weblog   -- http://www.openlinksw.com/blogs/
>>> LinkedIn -- http://www.linkedin.com/company/openlink-software/
>>> Twitter  -- http://twitter.com/OpenLink
>>> Google+  -- http://plus.google.com/100570109519069333827/
>>> Facebook -- http://www.facebook.com/OpenLinkSoftware
>>> Universal Data Access, Integration, and Management Technology Providers
>>>> On 30 May 2017, at 08:34, Henrik Schmidt
>>>> <h...@informatik.uni-kiel.de <mailto:h...@informatik.uni-kiel.de>> wrote:
>>>> I wanted to add a virtuoso repository with the rdf4j workbench and
>>>> did the necessary setup according to the wiki.
>>>> I'm running virtuoso 7.2.4 open source on ubuntu 16.04 LTS with
>>>> rdf4j 2.2.1 and tomcat 8.0.39.
>>>> Setup steps:
>>>> 1. Copy virtjdbc4_2.jar and virt_rdf4j.jar into the rdf4j server
>>>> and workbench WEB-INF/lib folders.
>>>> 2. Copy create.xsl and create-virtuoso.xsl into the transformations
>>>> folder of the workbench.
>>>> When I try to add a virtuoso repo with the workbench I get an error
>>>> (see below).
>>>> I asked the rdf4j community but they replied :
>>>> "It looks like it is having trouble with the Buffer fetch size
>>>> value. Have you trying bring this up with the Virtuoso community?"
>>>> So 'Im here now asking for help.
>>>> 24-May-2017 09:01:01.287 SCHWERWIEGEND [http-nio-8082-exec-4]
>>>> org.apache.catalina.core.
>>>> StandardWrapperValve.invoke Servlet.service() for servlet
>>>> [workbench] in context with path [/rdf4j-workbench] threw exception
>>>> [org.eclipse.rdf4j.rio.R
>>>> DFParseException: Expected ']', found 'v' [line 23]] with root cause
>>>>  org.eclipse.rdf4j.rio.RDFParseException: Expected ']', found 'v'
>>>> [line 23]
>>>>         at
>>>> org.eclipse.rdf4j.rio.helpers.RDFParserHelper.reportFatalError(RDFParserHelper.java:403)
>>>>         at
>>>> org.eclipse.rdf4j.rio.helpers.AbstractRDFParser.reportFatalError(AbstractRDFParser.java:677)
>>>>         at
>>>> org.eclipse.rdf4j.rio.turtle.TurtleParser.reportFatalError(TurtleParser.java:1306)
>>>>         at
>>>> org.eclipse.rdf4j.rio.turtle.TurtleParser.verifyCharacterOrFail(TurtleParser.java:1141)
>>>>         at
>>>> org.eclipse.rdf4j.rio.turtle.TurtleParser.parseImplicitBlank(TurtleParser.java:561)
>>>>         at
>>>> org.eclipse.rdf4j.rio.turtle.TurtleParser.parseObject(TurtleParser.java:473)
>>>>         at
>>>> org.eclipse.rdf4j.rio.turtle.TurtleParser.parseObjectList(TurtleParser.java:413)
>>>>         at
>>>> org.eclipse.rdf4j.rio.turtle.TurtleParser.parsePredicateObjectList(TurtleParser.java:408)
>>>>         at
>>>> org.eclipse.rdf4j.rio.turtle.TurtleParser.parseTriples(TurtleParser.java:355)
>>>>         at
>>>> org.eclipse.rdf4j.rio.turtle.TurtleParser.parseStatement(TurtleParser.java:240)
>>>>         at
>>>> org.eclipse.rdf4j.rio.turtle.TurtleParser.parse(TurtleParser.java:202)
>>>>         at
>>>> org.eclipse.rdf4j.workbench.commands.CreateServlet.updateRepositoryConfig(CreateServlet.java:132)
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