Hi Thanasis

What version of Virtuoso and the FCT VAD are you using ? As this issue has been 
reported before with older 3215 builds, but the latest build 07.20.3217, from 
the git archive at https://github.com/openlink/virtuoso-opensource and the FCT 
vad built from that archive does work, see:


Best Regards
Hugh Williams
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> On 8 Sep 2017, at 12:41, Athanasios Velios <a.vel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am deploying some RDF data as LOD with virtuoso. I can do DESCRIBE queries 
> from within iSQL and they work well. I have installed the Faceted Browser VAD 
> and I can navigate to :8890/fct . The search tools there work well. However, 
> when clicking on a resource the browser points to :8890/describe/?url=... and 
> then I get an error:
> Error 42001
> SR185: Undefined procedure DB.DBA.http_sparql_object.
> Any ideas of what could be wrong?
> /describe/ is provided by the fct VAD, correct?
> Thank you.
> Thanasis
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