Hi Roland,

What is the actual query being run and Virtuoso version as the following works 
for me:

SQL> SPARQL SELECT (STRBEFORE(?S, " string") AS ?B) WHERE {     BIND("test 
string"@en AS ?S) }; 


1 Rows. -- 2 msec.
SQL> status('');

OpenLink Virtuoso VDB Server
Version 08.00.3224-pthreads for Darwin as of Sep  6 2017 

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Hugh Williams
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> On 28 Sep 2017, at 14:55, Roland Cornelissen <metamatter...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I noticed that when using the /sparql interface the function STRBEFORE
> is available and works as intended. But When I issue the same query
> through the isql interface I get an error, like this:
> bin/isql: get_next_token: Unknown macro word " )    BIND(STRBEFORE(?l,"
> at line 124 of Top-Level
> Does this mean that STRBEFORE is not available through isql? If so how come?
> Thanks,
> Roland
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