Dear Siskind's Immigration Bulletin Readers:

It is not our normal practice to forward messages from others to our whole 
list in between our regular monthly issue, but given the urgency and timing 
issues, we decided to pass this along now. Please contact Jitu Telang of 
the Immigrant Support Network at [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you care to respond. 
Apologies for sending the extra piece of mail. As always, if you wish to 
remove yourself from the list, go to

Kind regards,

Greg Siskind

Greg, here's the mail I sent out to our members. Please feel free to
forward it to your list as well.

Thank you very much for all your help.



Dear ISN member,

Yesterday we were contacted by the office of Immigration Subcommittee
in the US House of Representatives about a hearing scheduled on July 29th.
The hearing is about a bill introduced by Rep. Lamar Smith to restructure
INS in order to improve efficiency within its various functions.

I spoke with their staff today, and was told that they might invite one or
more of us to testify about the problems we face when dealing with INS. In
addition to ISN representatives, they have also shown interest in having
some of the individuals testify about their own experiences with INS.
So if you have suffered at the hands of INS, and do not mind testifying
in front of the committee, I urge you to contact us (at [EMAIL PROTECTED])
immediately. There is a good chance they might be able to protect your
anonymity even in the hearing itself. If you do contact us, please specify
your case briefly and if you would testify only on the condition of anonymity.

While we are aware of all the usual problems faced by employment-based
immigrants, I would also like to encourage you to send us your input on
what particular problems we should mention if we're invited to testify.
So if you have any specific suggestions beyond the delays in the I-140/I-485
process and the problem of having to restart the entire process in case of
loss of the job, please send them to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or post them in our
ISN Activities discussion board at the ISN web site.

This is your chance to be heard by the people who can make a difference.
So I urge you to step up and volunteer to testify if you have a case that
should be made known. Please respond immediately to this as we do not have
much time left before the hearing.

Thank you.

Jitu Telang
President, ISN

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