Michael G Schwern wrote:
Is it correct that File::Spec::VMS->canonpath('[]') returns ''? This is an explicit clause in File::Spec::VMS::canonpath().

    $path =~ s/\[\]// unless $path eq '[]';    # []        ==>

No other File::Spec variation does this, they all return the equivalent cwd.

Just tried it.

$ perl -mFile::Spec -e "print File::Spec::VMS->canonpath('[]')"

Look again at the above rule, it already does what you want.

This makes File::Spec->canonpath( File::Spec->curdir ) difficult to use as now you have to carefully distinguish between false and undefined to see an error.

Actually that brings up a different issue that was discussed on the vmsperl list. You see '' is a valid file specification on VMS in VMS file spec format.

So undef is the only way to indicate an error. And it should be that way on other platforms for consistency.

Can that clause be removed so it returns '[]'?

See above.

On a related note, unlike all the other File::Spec variants File::Spec->catdir('', 'some', 'dir') does not produce an absolute path. It does the opposite and produces a relative one. In fact, I can't see how to make an absolute path on VMS with catdir().

You can not, you need to use catpath to make an absolute path. I do not know if that is a bug or a feature.

So lets look on Microsoft Windows:

C:\tools>perl -mFile::Spec -e "print File::Spec->catdir('','foo','bar')"

It looks to me that this is a bug. Both Microsoft Windows and VMS have volume name components, so the routines should work similar.

While changing this could be seen as breaking compatibility, the catdir() behavior is tested in t/Spec.t, these differences in behavior add to the difficulty of writing portable code for VMS. I'd see making writing compatible code easier a greater priority than maintaining a historical incompatibility.

From what I have been doing to get tests to pass on VMS, I have found that a lot of the if $^O eq 'VMS' code is to work around such inconsistencies. How much code is really expecting them to exist is unknown.

I plan to start looking at these more in the future. Right now I am fighting with getting gnu tar 1.19 to run on VMS so I can figure out why Module::Build is not able to read a tarball that it creates using Archive::Tar.

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