At 11:52 PM +0000 3/5/08, Nicholas Clark wrote:
>I've made another 5.8.x snapshot.
>(or )
>It's closing in on what 5.8.9 is going to be, give or take breakage, late
>interesting bug fixes, and resolution of some things that aren't quite there
>Aside from on VOS, what is still broken that wasn't broken in 5.8.8?

At 33430 (always just a bit behind you) on VMS I see:

t/op/threads................................FAILED--expected 10 tests, saw 9
ext/threads/shared/t/stress.................FAILED at test 1
ext/threads/t/blocks........................FAILED--expected 5 tests, saw 4
lib/ExtUtils/t/cd...........................FAILED at test 1
lib/ExtUtils/t/eu_command...................FAILED at test 21
lib/ExtUtils/t/xs...........................FAILED--non-zero wait status: 1024
Failed 6 tests out of 1080, 99.44% okay.

Obviously that's a threaded build.  The threads failures are access
violations; I'll check whether 33436 does us any good there.

For the MakeMaker failures, eu_command.t and xs.t behaved after
upgrading to 6.43_01.  cd.t I just patched last night:

If there are no further integrations of MakeMaker in the cards (I
think 6.44 is out), I can mark tests as TODO or otherwise patch the
tests if you wish.
Craig A. Berry

"... getting out of a sonnet is much more
 difficult than getting in."
                 Brad Leithauser

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