On Aug 13, 2008, at 7:40 PM, Carl Friedberg wrote:


I'd like to use a VMS perl interface to

I'm attempting to write my own version, but if
anyone has already started this effort and
has some ideas, or eve better, working code,
please contact me; offline is fine.

If / when I get this done, it will get to


I would think VMS::Monitor would do the trick:


It uses the EXE$GETSPI interface, which was the undocumented predecessor to SYS$GETRMI. It should be a fairly mechanical operation to convert the $GETSPI calls to $GETRMI if that's needed for some reason, but whether the item codes are all still the same, whether all item codes of interest are included, whether it works as is on OVMS v8.3 and Itanium -- those are all unknowns here. It might well run out of the box with no modifications, or it might need some TLC to get modern, but I can't think of any reason to reinvent the wheel or start from scratch.

I'm believe, as with all of Dan's modules, I'm "co-maintainer" of this module, which means I can apply patches to the CPAN version if you send them in.

Craig A. Berry

"... getting out of a sonnet is much more
 difficult than getting in."
                 Brad Leithauser

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